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The Art of Making Yourself Invisible Paragraphs 35, 36, 37


In my art book, at community college, there was a Native American Indian sculpture called Crooked Nose. It was of a Native American Indian. He did something wrong and ran into a tree and got a crooked nose. His crooked nose said that he did something wrong. In art class my teacher, Mr. Bell, handed out an assignment for shoe drawings. He said, “I don’t know how many times I have handed out the sneaker assignment. No two drawings look the same.”1 Everyone has a different drawing. Everyone is an individual. In my art book there was a sculpture made of wood that was painted black, with boxes with things in them. It looked like it said, “What is in all of those skyscrapers in the city?” It looked like seeing inside a skyscraper. Kandinsky switched his paintings and the description of his paintings. There was a painting of a horse and he switched the description with another painting. Islamic people have no depiction of figures in their artwork. They make mosaic tile artwork with no depiction of figures in them. If we start up a new genre of art I was thinking about calling it emotionalism. In American art they like to make perspective drawings where you draw a small square and then a larger square and connect the corners with lines to make it look like something is going away from you.

When I was at community college I wanted to take Cultural Geography. It said it was about the land and it’s people. I thought it was about how the land had an effect on it’s people. That is not what it was about. In Asia they have a lot of rain and monsoons. When it is raining it is a good time to sit down and think. This probably started Buddhism and meditation, where you sit and think and quiet your mind until you have no thoughts in your mind. In Europe it is cold and they have the King and Queens system. It was probably too cold to go outside and work, so they sent someone else outside to do the work. They had the feudal lords system where the feudal lord sent someone else outside to work. They sent a serf outside to work. In Russia it is colder. They had communism, where other people were forced to work. People forced other people to work. The proletariat had to work. The bourgeoisie was the middle class. And the people in power did not have to work. The land has an effect on it’s people.

Dr. Clark, my Cultural Geography teacher said, “There are one billion people in China.”2 The planet is getting overpopulated. “In India people are living in sewer systems.”3 In India they don’t have good sewer system; he said, “They have to throw their shit out the window and the dogs eat it.”4 He said, “There are so many languages in India that they can’t print them all on the condom instructions.”5 India is overpopulated. I read in a magazine that they have child labor in India. In India, 4 year old children have to make surgical instruments. Dr. Clark said, “Slavery has happened all over the planet.”6 Black people were slaves to white people in America. Jewish people were slaves to the Egyptians during the time of Moses. The Indian caste system is slavery. The India untouchables are slaves. Dr. Clark also said, “Some tribal people can run across three countries in a day.”7 I read in my Cultural Geography book, “People in Asia say “we” a lot not “I” a lot.”8 Dr. Jochen, my Biology teacher, said, “3/4th of the world is vegetarian because they are too poor to afford meat.”9 Maybe not everyone is a vegetarian because they are too poor to afford meat. The tribal people are probably vegetarian because they want to be. Mr. Lannigan said, “The 60’s was a large group of teenagers.”10 It was a large teenage rebellion. Mr. Lannigan said, “If America just lasted two hundred years it wouldn’t be more than a line in a history book.”11 America is just 200 years old.


Reality is each man’s version of the truth.

You can not judge others,

You can only judge your own mind’s ability to understand what they are going through.

It is not just remembering to stop and smell the roses,

You have to want to stop and smell the roses.



Stuck like a magnet


The face of the earth

The Road

The road winds like a black ribbon


the green velvet rolling hills

  1. Bell, Drawing. Class Lecture, Fall Semester, 1997

  2. Clark, Cultural Geography. Class Lecture, Spring Semester, 1998

  3. Clark, Cultural Geography. Class Lecture, Spring Semester, 1998

  4. Clark, Cultural Geography. Class Lecture, Spring Semester, 1998

  5. Clark, Cultural Geography. Class Lecture, Spring Semester, 1998

  6. Clark, Cultural Geography. Class Lecture, Spring Semester, 1998

  7. Clark, Cultural Geography. Class Lecture, Spring Semester, 1998

  8. De Blij, H. J., Human Geography Culture, Society, and Space. New York: John Wiley and Sons Inc., 1996

  9. Jochen, Biology. Class Lecture, Spring Semester, 1999

  10. Lannigan, Western Civilization. Class Lecture, Summer Semester, 1996

  11. Lannigan, Western Civilization. Class Lecture, Summer Semester, 1996

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