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Painting Discoveries



Take In Bird Put Out

If you take in the birds in front of your house, you will put them out in your painting. Abstract, a different color or a fanciful shape, but the birds. When you go into nature you can take in a lot of sights. These sights can be expressed in your paint. What you see will be what you paint.

A bird eating a worm.

When you go into nature try to look at things that you like. A trip around the backyard, a trip to the park, or a trip to a friend's house may grant you a happy painting. Sometimes a different place from your home is a happy day. Be happy for a day and then paint. Paint the following day. You can take in a bird and then put out a bird. A happy day of nature is surrounding images with your bird. The longer the day, the more pictures you see in your painting. Or a large painting will happen. Fill the canvas with one picture.

A whole day of material to pick from. Something will happen. A day in the grass at the park; look up for birds, look down for water, or look around for trees. It can take a day trip to do this. The more time you spend, the more chance you have of getting it in your painting.

Rain and worms on the asphalt.

If you take in a park's worth; you can start a painting with at least one picture in it, if you are a beginner. Beginning painting doesn't have to be very involved. But after a few trips, you can get good at pictures in your paintings. I took a trip to the park and I have a painting. 30 minutes to the park, an hour walk, 30 minutes home. A day off.

You can recognize what picture it is in your painting. You can write about your picture, what you remember, and how the picture in the painting appears. Maybe you have one park, but two or three trips. and they are all in one painting. Your story could just include the parts of the trips in your paintings. One story, many trips, one painting.

Enough rain for a mermaid.

One bird taken in and one bird painted is all you need though. Maybe you have a pet or a bird bath. Something simple will come out in your painting. Simple days are a one picture or a small canvas picture. Maybe you like simple instead of large and colorful. Small and monotone or large and colorful.

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