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The Art of Making Yourself Invisible Paragraphs 62, 63, 64


Updated: Apr 7, 2023

Money is an illusion. Animals don’t have money. They kill for food, walk all day, and sleep out in the wild, and they don’t need money. Tribal people do not use money. You can get food, clothing, and shelter without money like tribal people do. Money is a man-made illusion. Tribal people have traded for what they need and then they started using shells to trade with and that started up money. Money is the same thing as trade. If someone had a lot of cow meat or wheat they could trade what they had for corn. They trade cow meat or wheat for corn and then traded shells for corn. It is the same thing as trading your work, a crochet blanket, for corn in the store. You could sell your crochet blanket for $100 and use the money to buy food or corn. Since the invention of money you have to get a job and work to have money to buy your food with. You work 8 hours a day, rest 8 hours a day, and sleep 8 hours a day. You can rest 16 hours a day on the two days of the weekends. Plus you get days off and vacations. You have to work and you get paid for your work so you have money to buy food, clothing, and shelter. Sometimes you can spend your money on media. To live without money you could farm or garden and eat your own vegetables. You could be a vegetarian. Mother Earth News can tell you how to plant a 4 foot x 4 foot garden and feed your family for a year. To live with less money you could sew your own clothes. You could redo your house instead of buying a new one.


The leaves

Fall from

The tree

And shimmer

In the wind

In the Mexican drinking water there is a different bacteria then there is in the American drinking water. The Mexican’s stomachs are use to it the way American’s stomachs are use to their drinking water. Mexicans have a big problem being called dirty in America. It is not dirty water, it is just a different bacteria. Americans have to boil their water when they go to Mexico. And Mexico needs sewer systems. Mexicans live in barrios with no sewer systems. I read a magazine article that said speaking children of deaf parents develop their own language. All of the languages developed are very similar. Maybe there is a language set up in the language part of the brain. Classical conditioning is a lie. You just abuse the dogs and it is a response to the abuse. It is not classical conditioning. There is a popular question in Psychology class, “Is the glass half empty or half full?”1 How you answer it is suppose to say something about you. If you say the glass is half full, you are a happy person. If the glass is half empty, you are a sad person. “Is the glass half empty or half full?”2 You can drink it.

I estimate that we are about 1/3 of the way through the universe.

In Genesis and the Big Bang it says that Physics decides what the body forms on Earth will look like. Only certain body forms will evolve under natural law. According to Physics only certain body forms will arise. The animal and human bodies are kind of alike. Humans have two legs and two arms. Lots of animals have four legs. This is like two legs and two arms. It is two front appendages and two back appendages. Horses have four legs; so do cats, dogs, lions, antelope, apes, giraffes, and elephants. Birds have two wings and two legs. This is like two arms and two legs also. Insects do not have two front appendages and two back appendages. Insects frequently have 6 legs or 8 legs. Some insects have 6 legs, spiders have 8 legs, and worms have no legs. Centipedes and millipedes have more than 6 legs. Fish have two front fins and two fins on their tail in the back with a top fin. This is like two front appendages and two back appendages with a top fin. Most of them have a head, a torso, at least two front appendages, and at least two back appendages.

  1. Levin, Psychology. Class Lecture, Spring Semester, 1998

  2. Levin, Psychology. Class Lecture, Spring Semester, 1998

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