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The Art of Making Yourself Invisible Paragraphs 44, 45, 46


I watched the Gandhi movie and Gandhi talked about not taking more than you need. Gandhi said, “Don’t take more than you need.” I thought, “If you take more than you need you are taking away from others, if you only take what you need then what others need is left for them.” The Kings and Queens system came from Africa. There was a sculpture of an African Queen in my Art book. The European Kings and Queens system came from the tribal Kings and Queens system. Lame Deer said, “The wiscan wancan is the white man who came and stole all of the fat.”1 Lame Deer is Native American Indian, he said the white people came in and stole the fat off of the land. The white people came into America and took the land. I saw on the T. V. that the United States of America government got some of it’s structure from the Native American Indians.

I think tax should be one cent on the dollar. That would be fair to everybody, instead of having high taxes for the poor and low taxes for the rich. I pay my taxes so the poor children can have food. They get their food from food stamps and taxes pay for them. America should balance the budget like France does. That would reduce the deficit. They should take all of the abuse is legal laws off of the books. They are not legal anymore. Abuse should be illegal. I saw on the T. V. that there is a law in some state that says “it is legal to beat your wife before breakfast.” Some guy wrote a book about it. He talked about it on a news show. There should be life sentences for rape, child molesting, and torture to death. Some people don’t want the death penalty because they feel killing with the death penalty is just as bad as torturing people to death. They feel you are doing just as bad as they do if you kill somebody. People will pay the cost of prison food to keep them off the streets. Eighteen is the legal age for being an adult. Eighteen should be the legal age for driving a car, to be a firefighter, to be on the rescue squad, to smoke cigarettes, and to drink alcohol. Sex should be legal. Eighteen should be the legal age to have sex. We have had a lot of republican Presidents. Maybe we should have some democrat Presidents and really make this a democracy. Also independent candidates would be a good idea.

A prostitute is a professional rape victim.

Women have a higher threshold of pain for childbirth. That is why women are more willing to take on the harder jobs like being a nurse or taking care of retarded people. There is an argument about whether women should have abortions or not. Abortions should be legal for people who want to have an abortion and people who don’t want to have one don’t have to have one. If parents don’t want to have a child they will probably be abusive to it. Poor women can’t afford a baby. If someone was raped they should be able to have an abortion. Women have their reasons for an abortion. People who are for abortions and people who are against abortions should sit down and discuss it and come to an agreement. The two groups can get together and sit down and talk and look at both sides of the issue. Life starts at conception. Life starts in the womb. It is a living being while it is growing. The spirit goes in at conception. To each person their pain it the most. I came up with the red glass theory. Everybody sits around the table and looks at the red glass. It is the same red glass but everybody sees something different. Maybe the red glass has a spot of paint on it and somebody sees a spot of paint. Other people may not see the spot of paint.

  1. Lame Deer, J., Lame Deer Seeker of Visions. New York: Washington Square Press, 1972

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