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The Art of Making Yourself Invisible Paragraphs 38, 39, 40


I did all of my work in my lifetimes before to be a genius this lifetime. Everybody worked for their gift, like a gift for singing, your gift from God. You worked hard for it in all your lifetimes before, and God gives it to you, and now it is called your gift. There was something in my Philosophy book about stones and Buddhism. It was about the importance of a stone. It made me think, “A stone is important. Everything in life is important. A stone is simple. Life is simple. Appreciate things as small as a stone.” People say the truth hurts. The truth doesn’t hurt. You can tell the truth to people. You can tell the truth to someone’s lie. You can tell the truth and someone can lie. The lie doesn’t change the truth. The truth is still true. I am a straight but supportive member of the gay and lesbian community. Homosexuality could be God’s natural form of birth control. God has other natural forms of birth control. Wolves in the wild have only the leader and one wolf mate in the pack. The rest of the pack of wolves do not have children. This keeps the population down.

The Salvation Army

Heart to God

Hand to man

Lame Deer said the Native American Indians “plan seven generations ahead.”1 Tribal people plan seven generations ahead. There were probably seven generations worth of people in the tribe. They thought about how it would affect the next seven generations. There are probably only two or three in the modern day family. The modern day family has grandparents, parents, and children living together. We only plan two or three generations ahead. Maybe we should plan seven generations ahead like the Native American Indians. If we planned seven generations ahead maybe this would help get rid of the pollution on the planet. Maybe we could plan on cutting down on smoke stack emissions. Maybe the government could plan seven generations ahead and get rid of pollution. A generation is ten years. With different people giving birth at different times a generation can fit into a decade. Some people are born during one time period, and other people are born within another time period and they can all be in different generations. People born with in a decade can be a generation. A decade is a generation.

I read something in the newspaper about how America is using the whole planet’s resources. It was close to this and probably a little more accurate. This is from Moria Timms’ Beyond Prophecies and Predictions. “If the world was a global village of 100 people, 70 of them would be unable to read, only one would have a college education. Over 50 would be suffering from malnutrition, and over 80 would be living in what we call sub-standard housing. If the world were a global village of 100 residents, 6 of them would be Americans. These 6 would have half of the villages entire income; and the other 94 would exist on the other half. How would the wealthy 6 live “in peace” with their neighbors? Surly they would be driven to arm themselves against the other 94 … perhaps even to spend, as we do, more per person on military defense that the total per person income of the others.”2 A quote Moria Timms made from her book Natural Sources in Beyond Prophecies and Predictions, “The traditional Hopi… successfully raise…corn…from…land, which the U. S. Department of Agriculture says receives less than half of the annual rainfall necessary for growing corn.4”3

Infinite Possibility

Earth bound

Where the spirits hang



Infinite Possibility

World Philosophy

“Tao engenders one.

One engenders two,

Two engenders three,

And three engenders the myriad things.

The myriad things shoulder the yin and embrace the yang,

And in blending their psychophysical vapors, they achieve


  1. Lame Deer, J., Lame Deer Seeker of Visions. New York: Washington Square Press, 1972

  2. Timms, M., Beyond Prophecies and Predictions. New York: Ballantine Books, 1994 P. 145, 146, 208, 259, 294

  3. Timms, M. Beyond Prophecies and Predictions. New York: Ballantine Books, 1994 P. 145, 146, 208, 259, 294

  4. Soloman, R.C., World Philosophy (A Text with Readings). New York: McGraw-Hill Inc., 1995. P. 45-46

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