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The Art of Making Yourself Invisible Paragraphs 12, 13, 14, 15


The knowledge of good and evil is an illusion. Genesis 1:2 is the beginning of the illusion. In the Bible it says God rested. God never rested. God never stopped creating the universe. God is still creating the universe. The Bible is written through a veil of illusion. The illusion starts at Genesis 1:2. The Bible says that Adam and Eve ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil giving them the knowledge of good and evil instead of the knowledge of life. Eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil is an illusion. They still have the knowledge of life. Everyone has the knowledge of life. Genesis1:1 is not an illusion. The rest of the Bible is written through a veil of illusion. You have to read through the veil of illusion to read the Bible. In Buddhism they have the yin and the yang. In Asia, the yin and yang are heaven and earth, active and passive, male and female. The yin drips into the yang and the yang drips into the yin. The yin and yang go on forever flowing into each other. The yin and yang from Buddhism are heaven and earth and like space and energy also. The yin is the heaven and the yang is the earth. Heaven and earth were space and energy in Genesis 1:1. The yin is space and the yang is energy. Space is heaven and energy is the earth in the yin and yang, like heaven and earth in Genesis1:1.

The Star

The fallen leaf

looks like a moth

and then a star

In Genesis and the Big Bang it says the Hebrew letter beth, shaped like a C, has a lot of meaning in the Torah. “According to biblical tradition, what was before the beginning is unknowable.”1 “This insight is based on the first letter of the first word of the Bible.”2 “The first letter of the first word of the Bible is the Hebrew letter beth.”3 “The shape of beth is such that it is closed on three sides and only open in a forward direction, similar in shape to a C but with it’s opening facing to the left.”4 What was before the beginning is unavailable. We can’t know what happened before the universe was created. We can only know what happened after the universe was created. Beth is shaped like a backward C. The closed shape of beth, and it’s facing to the left, says that before the universe is closed to us and after the universe is open to us. Any information from before the universe is unavailable to us and only information form after the universe is available to us. We can not know anything from before the beginning of the universe. Any information from before the beginning of the universe is unavailable if you are trying to get information.

The Gutter

The leaves

looks like

moss in the gutter

The Bible says there are 666 evils. They are 666 problems to solve. Child molesting, rape, and stealing are some of the problems to solve. There are lots of problems on the planet today and they are problems to solve not problems we can’t take care of. Child labor is one of them. If we make it illegal to have child labor that would solve the problem. Starvation is another problem to solve. If we feed the hungry people that would solve the problem. Crime is a list of problems. Any crime committed is probably on the list of 666 problems. Jail time and rehabilitation can help solve those problems. Jail time gives people time alone in the corner of their room to think about what they did wrong so they won’t do it again. Community service is suppose to be rehabilitative. Maybe therapy would help rehabilitate people. We can find solutions to these problems and solve them. War is a problem. Government abuse is a problem, like communism in Germany during the 2nd WW era. Poverty is a problem. The 666 evils are 666 problems to solve. Let’s solve them.

My friend Lisa told me the Bible said, “The mark of the devil is in the palm of the hand or the forehead.”5 It is in what you do or what you say. You think and then you do. If you think something good, you will do something good. If you think something bad, you will do something bad. If you think something bad the mark of the devil is in the forehead, if you do something bad the mark of the devil is in the palm of your hand. If you think something bad the mark of the devil will be in the forehead, and then you will do something bad and the mark of the devil will be in the palm of the hand. The devil speaks with a forked tongue. His spiritual mouth is telling the truth while his physical mouth is lying. In Christianity you have to go to hell if you do something wrong when you die. You get locked in hell for eternity. God would not forsake one of his own creations. You do not get locked in hell for eternity, you get let out. After you are through going to hell for what you did wrong, you get let out of hell. In the Bible it says everybody is made in God’s image. Everybody was made in God. Everybody was made in God’s body. Everybody is a part of God. Everybody is in God. You are not your brother’s keeper. In the Bible it says you are your brother’s keeper. You are suppose to help your brother. If your brother is doing something wrong you do not have to help him. If your brother asks you to do something wrong you can tell him no. You do not have to do it. Tell him no and don’t do it.

  1. Schoeder, G. L., Genisis and the Big Bang. New York: Bantam Books, 1990. P. 56-57

  2. Schoeder, G. L., Genisis and the Big Bang. New York: Bantam Books, 1990. P. 56-57

  3. Schoeder, G. L., Genisis and the Big Bang. New York: Bantam Books, 1990. P. 56-57

  4. Schoeder, G. L., Genisis and the Big Bang. New York: Bantam Books, 1990. P. 56-57

  5. Holy Bible. Wheaton: Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., 1996. P. 6, p. 857

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